Mon 27 Jan
~*~something you will never forget~*~
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
EARLY MORN. HUMP DAY HR/FULL $100 💋 I Kno What I Want 2 Do 2 U 💋 Do U Know What U Want 2 Do W Me ? - 37
(Buffalo, MORN. ROCHESTER 585*524*8551, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!! $80 Weekend Specials $80 specials !!!!!!! !!!!!! !!!!!!!!! - 22
Better then rest and SeXIER 70ss80hh120hr. 2girl available also Chasity call now 5188488192 - 19
(Utica incall, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Tired of Fake Women? Being "Scared" Making an Appointment? - 22
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
🍓-❌-🍓SpEcIaLs Juicy WhiteGrl ✰ⓒ ⓤ ⓣ ⓘ ⓔ wίтħa Bøø✟y✰ ◈GaυяαηтεεD ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD✧◈-❌-🍓 - 25
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, 💞 Utica & surrounding areas 💞)
Lets Play Together! I Am Ready For Fun! - 19
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, In town, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tier)
[*¨¨cOmE *¨iN¨* *¨ mY¨* *¨sWeEt¨* *¨pEaCh ¨* I'M *¨rEaDy¨* *¨fOr¨* *¨yOu¨* ] - 24
Sat 11 Jan
hey boys come spend some time with the luscious amazing Bianca.... - 24
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica and surrounding areas)
❊ VICTORIA ANNE,Highly REVIEWED and VERIFIED ❤ YøuR DiRtY liTtLe §€¢r€T 🔒🔑♥H℮R℮ ΤΟ βℓΟω γΟυr ΜιηD♥ - 22
(UTICA IN/OUT 315-520-4740, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Fri 10 Jan
Thu 09 Jan
***** Easter Special ***** 2 girl special***** New in town***** - 21
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica / incalls)
Madison is Back!!!!!!👄👄👄👄👄👄👄 ♋♋♋♋♋ Manic Mondays 💏5 Star Service ☆☆☆☆ 💎💎💎💎*****💎💎💎💎💎💎💕 - 25
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Surrounding Area)
Wed 08 Jan
SPECIALS ! . . . . . . .SPECIALS . . . . . .SPECIALS ALL DAY . . . .MaLiBu BaRbIe - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, new)
Tue 07 Jan
💙🎇REVIEWED & VERIFIED☀️💋Outcalls 24/7💋💖 Hot New lingerie💖 Always sexy,classy & fun.👅 - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, UTICA IN/OUT 315-520-4740)
ScOrE a ToUcHdOwN wiTh Me -- YoUr NuMbEr1 MvP -- gOoO NeSSa xOxOxO - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, iNcALLs aNd oUTcALLs)
Super SPECiAlS THiCk 🌺Vï$ïTïNG🌴 FLAWLE§§★ y0uNG💄 ČürvŸ 💎B€@UT¥ °CaLL N0W 732:320+0388`« - 22
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica area)
**NEWW 👀ШѦRNⓘNG 💯% Real pics 💦♡ρυRε ρℓ℮αδυRε💕Specials💕💋 315-413-1848 PARTY 🎉 GiRL ❄ OnE NiGhT - 22
(Utica & Surrounding, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Mon 06 Jan
Female Owned And Operated - Make Between $1,200 and $1,400 Per Day Escorting - All Expenses Paid!!!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
NoBoDy DoEs iT LiKe iTaLiAnS dO iT- NEW YEARS SPECIALS-when your wife says no..where do you go?? - 21
💋👅👅OUtCaLl/ tURNiNg StOnE SPCls💋 DoMiNiCaN PRiNCeSs💋 oNE NiGHt OnLy👄 - 23
(Utica Oneida turning stone rome, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
FRIDAY NIGHT SPECIALS!!! Luna!!! Sexy!! Playful!! Waiting for you!!!! Must see!!! - 21
(Utica-Rome- Oneida, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
rEaDy fOr KiNkY sWeEt eXoTiC pLeAsUrEs... eVeNiNg fUn at mY pLaCe... 6/23 - 24
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica)
Finally Availiable!! Im here Gentleman ~ Exotic Carribbean Girl 24/7 Arriving by special request - 25
(safe secure location hotel)
ATTN : iiM BaCK aLL wEEkeNd ** YoU dOnT waNT tO miSS mE-NeW NuMbEr NeW NuMBeR * iNcALLs * - 21
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, INCALLS TODAY ONLYY!!!!!!!)
Stop throwing your money away.... - w4m - 26
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
★•:.•:*.• Freaky Puerto Rican Bunny ★•:.•:*.• Ready Now! Utica Area Available 24I /7 ★•: - 21
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, Utica)
FRIDAYS MARCH 27TH --YASMIN LEE will be guess at tsplayground at Evolve every friday - 25
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Bella Rosa 💖🌹 newly located taking in calls around the clock ⌚️ SPECIALS till midnight💎💰 - 23
(Utica (in calls ONLY), Utica-Rome-Oneida)
Better😘😍 then the girl 👩next door 🚪 - 25
(Binghamton, Ithaca, Syracuse, Syracuse and other surrounding areas, Utica-Rome-Oneida, Watertown)
a sexy companion for all your needs & desires!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Specials as low as $60 dollars today hot hot specials *** - 26
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica in or outcalls)
I Promise You Won't Regret Seeing Me! - 19
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, In town, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tier)
SHEMALES- Wanna have the time of your life???
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)
Sun 05 Jan
((★EXOTiC ★)) Up All NITE * ☆YOU WILL L♥VE MY SK!LLS ☆-SUMMER 6267730786 - 18
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, utica and surrounding areas)
FRIDAYS NYC #1 tsparty Susi present naked party Party at EVOLVE - 22
(221 58th ST (btw 2nd & 3rd AVES), Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Roche)
ೋ * -:¦ :-SEXY* ೋ * -:¦:- PLAYFUL * ೋ * -:¦:-EXOTIC * * -:¦:- BRUNETTE - 20
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, TruningStone)
*¨¨*:.; .:*¨¨* LT US B TH ! ;; BST PÅRT ÕF YÕUR WEEK !*¨¨*:. .:*¨¨* SPECials - 18
(Utica-Rome-Oneida, rome in/out)
CHASITY n CHERRY NEW SPECIALS 60ss 80hh 100hr 180HR BOTHcall now 5188488192 - 19
(Utica incall, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
XOXOXO JAMAICAN S3nsation Coming Ur Way >>> All Your Fantasy's R Now Reality 24/7 - 25
(Watertown & Surrounding Area)
[(¯ `'.¸°...rARe °eXoTiC°`'. pLaYmaTe .;'´° [:¦×°x°×¦:] ... aLL ... °`'niGht °¸.'´¯)]~> - 24
New 2 Snow Bunnies In Town Ready To Have Fun .. Who's Excited ?? We Are .. 😙😙😙😙😙 - 23
(Utica, Utica-Rome-Oneida)
friends for free! 100% free sign up!
(Albany, Binghamton, Buffalo, Catskills, Chautauqua, Elmira-Corning, Finger Lakes, Glens Falls, Hudson Valley, Ithaca, Oneonta, Plattsburgh-Adirondacks, Potsdam, Rochester, Syracuse, Twin Tiers, Utica-)